Enjoy the rain

For a change I thought I would do a lighthearted post today.

It started raining today. I am about to go away for a weekend on a friend's farm.

now the average person could say isn't this bad. Not me. I am thrilled.  Add the elements and it makes for an interesting experience.

So I will send you off for your weekend with a question.

How are you making the most of your experiences in life despite the elements that get in the way?

Let's go there...


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Your cacoon of self protection

Today I reflected on one of the many periods in my life when I went through significant transformation. In this stage I felt the realness of the transformation. I share this today as an observation with the intention of letting others know it is normal, OK and real to go through such change in awareness.

The butterfly emerging

I am fully aware of this tried and true analogy. However it speaks to me so I am sure it will to you.

I was like the butterfly emerging from my cacoon. As I stretched and spread my wings I looked around to see the world freshly.  With newly born and transformed perspective it was magically different.  Behind me was the cacoon.  I was amazed how I knew to create this structure, protection, shield and shell around me. It was not conscious, it was self protection.  For years I lived in this cacoon. The cacoon kept me safe as I grew and developed inside. I had no awareness of the outside world, no perception of life different from what I knew within the confines of my cacoon.

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Getting what you want

What does it feel to want something so badly and then get it. Do you change? Do you really feel different?

I think it depends on what state you are in anticipating what it is you want.

Someone close to me

My experience comes today from observing my son. He is 11 years old tomorrow. For as long as he has been at primary school all he has wanted was to attend a particular high school. He does not do this until January 2010. Yet for him this is a picture he holds in his mind. It is not unusual for it to come up in conversation every so often.

I also check in a lot too. I ask things like "are you sure this is where you want to go?", "there are other schools you could apply to, do you want to".

No is the answer.

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It is business AND it is personal

I attended a meeting tonight with lots of discussion on what people want to talk about.  There is a perception that senior businesspeople only want to talk business, finance etc.

Then I reflected on other environments where I meet such people - eg weekend sports, social get togethers. I also have fresh in my mind a lunch I attended Sunday.

What stood out to me about the assumption and the reality is that senior business people want to talk about more than just business.  In fact it was refreshing for a change not to get into the 'what you do for a living' conversation until 3 hours later in the lunch!

From personal to business

As a result on Sunday I got to know more about people from a personal level before I learned about them in the business world.  I enjoyed this perspective. When I then found out about their work I had an entirely different perspective.  I did not see their introduction of work as a role, or a position but as an expression of who they are in their life journey right now.

So I return to this evenings conversation and my reflection on the contrast.  Some points I note that I would like to put out there for you to consider.

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Happy end of the financial year

If you live in Australia you can't escape the focus on the end of the financial year - 30 June. People I meet relate to this date differently depending on their circumstances.

Dates with meaning

Having been in the accounting profession earlier in my career, I find that dates such as 30 June, 31 March, 30 September and 31 December all have extra meaning.  To most business people these dates mean something - usually extra reporting, focus and review of position. Strategic financial planning will make good use of timing around these dates.  It also is a chance to take stock, kind of a report card for business.  On a personal level the same meaning can exist for our tax position, budgets and finances.

Get into the spirit

So while I relate to and appreciate the mindset o

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Take the break you need or you will break

Many times I chat with people their busy lives becomes a topic of conversation. Each day is filled with activity, doing something, taking care of this or that. It almost seems like each waking moment is taken up without a spare chance to reflect, pause and relax.

I noticed that today I was equally as busy. My day had planned activity from 6:30am - yes on a Sunday - through to 9:00 tonight. Every minute was commited.

This type of day is typical if you are in a network of people who value you or need you. In my case today was both.

What I question is how much we lose out in the negotiation of our time we give to people who value us and need us. When is it ever enough? For some we can always keep trying as the pain of the guilt is far worse.

Commitment equals choice

Well today I realised that each commitment is a choice. We have a choice in whether we commit to ourself or someone else. On the surface this may seem selfish to some. However I think that deep down the choice we make to look after ourself is ultimately to the benefit of those who value us or need us.

So for example not getting time for regular exercise will put some out of sorts. For others it is lack of sleep. And for others it is simply the lack of 'down time'.

Warning signs

To me there are a few warning signs that you need to put in some me time to balance out the equation. Do you:

1. say out loud to others that you need a break
2. feel pangs of jealousy when someone takes a holiday without guilt
3. wonder how others do it when they fit in a lunch time run or exercise before work.
4. get cranky over little things that get in the way of your plan or schedule
5. resort to dictatorial orders to get others to follow your requests
6. look arond nervously when you take 5 minutes to read a book or magazine
7. accrue annual and sick leave even though you know you should take it
8. always say yes when people ask you to to do something
9. fill your diary with appointments related to other people's needs
10. take forever to organise basic self care - eg doctor, dentist, hair, beauty

These are just a few of a possible many indicators. Consider your response to these comments. Then consider your feelings. If you start to resonate with the above then maybe it is time for you to take a break.

Responding to the challenge

Depending on the scale of your reaction you may need to respond accordingly. For example if you scored quite heavily on all 10 comments then a solid period of time allocated just for you is in need - eg weekend away, holiday, mental health day.

If only a few are pushing your buttons then perhaps an adjustment of your priorities and schedule will help.

If nothing resonates then fantastic. If this is the case I applaud you for setting the example for others. Please choose to give back now and mentor someone else who could benefit. Clearly you will balance this decision with the right amount of time to recharge your own batteries.

Enjoy getting back in balance.

Let's go there...


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Let go...

Having a profound and reflective evening.

Give yourself permission to let go. Let go of your...

  • stress
  • attachments
  • addictions
  • compulsions
  • obsessions
  • worries
  • bad habits
  • negative beliefs
  • old ways
  • need for control
  • old stories
  • burdens
  • blocks
  • blindspots
  • fear
  • judgement
  • bottled up emotions
  • perfectionism
  • dependency on others
  • the struggle in life

Welcome the possibility to grow and develop.

Let's go there...


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You choose what you do with information

I had a chat the other day with a person, we'll call him Doug, who I considered influential in a business sense. Doug had one of the most senior leadership roles in the organisation that employed him, let's call it Widget Pty Ltd.  This means Doug directed, lead, influenced, motivated, and guided the people in Widget Pty Ltd.

In the know about business

What Doug also had was the privilege of receiving information that others in Widget Pty Ltd might not see. This information would include financial data, personnel data, news and inside information about Widget Pty Ltd.'s industry.

What struck me the most was the amount of power evident in the control and use of information available to a person of such a high position in a company.

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What is small to you may be big to someone else

We pay attention to events, issues and situations that matter to us. In fact we can make what seems small to others become really big to ourself. Sometimes this is warranted, other times it is not.

A special life event

Take for example becoming a parent. I know not all of you are parents, yet you all came from parents.  You likely know people as well who are parents.  I have quite a few people in my network either expecting, about to have a baby or recently have given birth. When you are in their world this is a number one priority.  Becoming a parent is a big change, a big shift in someone's world view, their way of life and stage of growth as a person.

A daily life making others feel special

On the other hand if dealing with new babies every day is your job then maybe it is not so life changing.  When my obstetrician once told me how many babies he delivered was around 300 a year I felt the normality of it for him.  I was one of many new mothers in and out of his office, even though for me I felt at times like the only one.  Of course what made my doctor amazing was that he could still be personal, empathetic and understanding of my situation.

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Be a giraffe and get what you want

What if you were a giraffe I said to someone the other day while driving near the zoo.  Aside from the un-REAL nature of this conversation and the fact that I would have a great view of the Sydney harbour I got REALly serious about the question.

So what about you?  If you were a giraffe what would I tell you?


Stick your neck out and you will obtain the lushest, most prized and desired part of the tree.  However don’t stay too long up in the trees reaping and taking these rewards or you will end up in the clouds out of touch with reality.


You need to drink water as much as you need to eat. This means dipping your head down to the ground. At this level you are with everyone else in reality.  You are the same.  You also must share what is available with all.


If however you stay down here too long you will unnaturally extend yourself and physically be challenged. You are not designed to be like this all the time.


You can choose when to use your gifts whether motivated by necessity, pleasure, desire or generousity.

If you are able to reach to the tops of the trees you are also able to reach to places others can not, or at least they think they can not.


For we all are limited sometimes by the physical reality to which we are born.  A rhinocerous would never think that it could get to the top of the tree to get the best leaves.  However if the rhinocerous cooperated with the giraffe he would.


So there are two parts to getting what you want.  Firstly you can reach and attain the prize and therefore can enjoy. Secondly you also can share what you have access to so that all may partake.


Let's go there...


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