First world problems, or are they?

Today I was listening in the car to my local radio station and had a laugh. The lighter topic of the morning was about ‘first world problems’.  Now if you have not heard of this concept before here’s a quick snapshot.  Such problems are those that can occur in developed societies, cultures and countries with high standards of living.  First world societies can afford non essentials, luxuries, conveniences. When looked at objectively in the bigger context of including the problems of those in both second and third world societies, a ‘first world problem’ can then appear trivial and not worth complaining about. In other words the phrase is used to give someone a bit of perspective.

Examples abound. The one being shared on the radio to start the conversation was about how an ill fitted cup lid affected the radio hosts ability to drink her coffee.  Others followed.  I liked the one about an app not downloading fast enough on one’s smartphone.  

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Authentic Networking



Catching Up

A lot can transpire over 5 months. Yes it has been 5 months since I last wrote to you. In that time an entire season passed by.  Yet in my mind it seems like January 2012 was just yesterday. Do you have this same feeling? 

Have you also noticed how much is happening in the world around us.  We are seeing unprecedented changes and upheavals in what once were stable systems both locally and globally.  Depending on your perspective these are either positive shifts or not.  Irrespective, change is inevitable and we are all riding the waves.  How you enjoy this ride is important for your own health and sanity as it is for those around you.

Riding waves to clarity

For me the last several years have felt like this experience with waves of change hitting the shores of my life in ever increasing sets and peaks.  The interesting reflection is that whilst I lived a lot in fear and worry early on I do so less and less now. In a now realised twist of perspective I am living from a much deeper place of clarity in self, direction and acceptance. It is from this place that I engage, retreat, then re-engage in the world.

If you follow my blogs and writings you will see a pattern in the above comment. I like to take time out for reflection, review and regathering. Each time I feel lifted to an even higher level of self awareness and hence conscious action.  I embrace not so much that I can control and force the world around me to do what I want but to actually accept that what is happening is real and that I have a choice in how I respond and engage or not.  Amazingly empowering and self motivating.  In the end my action is also a powerful way of helping others.

As I share these insights with you, though generic and high level, I hope that you can see the magic in taking some time to sit with who you are on the inside.  It’s not an overnight process.  Yet by so doing you ensure that you increasingly engage with the world more authentically and on purpose.


As an example, I am clearer more than ever on why I am here. I am here to help you in your transitions whether in life or work.  You see if I can say I am good at anything it has to be going through transitions. So as I said to a gorgeous and wonderfully exciting new client the other day I have been there! Yes I have been there. And I have no doubt I will experience even more unexpected waves and change.  So will you.  The great thing to me is that life just keeps getting more and more interesting and exciting even with the ups and downs. Perhaps so does my perspective and frame.

Where are you at?

I don’t know where you are at in your life or work. But I do wonder. Are you hiding from yourself? Are you playing it safe? Or are you opening up to your potential, the possibilities of living and working differently and really playing and having fun now?  Do you perhaps see the upheavals in your life and work as clearing and letting go of the old?  I wonder.  I also wonder just what is on the horizon for you. What is next in your journey. Are you about to be bumped into a change you could never anticipate or are you ready to jump in with full awareness and ride the wave.  Only YOU know. Only YOU can be the one who chooses what you are doing with your life and work.  All I and others can do is help by being a sounding board, source of inspiration and guide. 


So in this context let me share some writing, resources and inspiration for thought and action.  Also given the lapse of time since last writing I am sharing with you a "bumper issue" of Being Real. This is definitely one to read in stages and grab a cup of tea to sip while doing so.


So enjoy.


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Changing jobs is about being you
I have recently been involved in supporting a person who needed to make a big decision.  Not one that could be taken lightly or dismissed with a random toss of the coin. No, this person needed to choose between being part of a particular organisation or staying authentic in the expression of self as a person.

As such a scenario is highly confidential, I will modify the facts to be more generic, change context and stay fairly high level.   I instead will pen this more as a story rather than a literal retelling of facts.  I believe that many of you will relate.  So let me share with you this tale.

© Jenn Shallvey
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Believe in kindness for you this year



Welcome to 2012

I trust you enjoyed a nice break during the holidays. If you live in Australia like I do it seems like most of the business world shuts down until now.  Back on deck and ready to embrace the new year I am sharing this newsletter with you.


A new year is always a great time for a fresh start. I look at it as a figurative and metaphorical clean slate chance to choose living and working the way you want. Of course we can make these choices any time of the year, it’s just nice and powerful to do so with a few million other people. The energy is just that much more powerful.


So in this spirit of new and fresh starts I share with you an article to get you going, a few updates on offerings and a gift.


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