Posts in Self awareness
You know more than you think you do

You know more than you think you do.

What is knowing? Is knowing about acquiring information, retaining it and then using it? Or is knowing about more than that?

When we think we are in our head. The head is the place of processing, integrating thoughts, retrieval, consciousness, understanding. It is our uniqueness as human beings that we can be in a place of awareness within our self. The power and potential of the part of us that thinks is unlimited.

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Trust your awake self

Decisions. What is your approach? Usually we are taught to make decisions based on what is presented to us. Many processes, methodologies and techniques abound. Irrespective of approach we choose, we rely a lot on others for both input and sources of information.

A decision can be easy for some and not for others. What may seem like a simple choice can for others be a representation of layers of internal dilemmas. Confusion or distraction may delay us. Time pressures may force us too quickly.

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Aware of your awareness

Do you know what, you know? Are you aware of your awareness? Is there a way for you to see you and to know you much more than what somebody else tells you about yourself? Beyond the surface deep, within, core to who you are as a person in this world. Do you know what you know? Are you aware of your awareness? Are you in a place within you where you can see you?

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Touristy me #3 - a spiritual experience in Barcelona

Tourist update 3. Travelling and writing. Today I woke up and felt these words so sharing before I head off to my next destination.

Just a few days after the terrorist attack in Barcelona, I visited La Sagrada Familia. For me it was genuinely a spiritual experience. Not because this cathedral was a religious place, but because of the feeling that came over me during my visit.

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First world problems, or are they?

Today I was listening in the car to my local radio station and had a laugh. The lighter topic of the morning was about ‘first world problems’.  Now if you have not heard of this concept before here’s a quick snapshot.  Such problems are those that can occur in developed societies, cultures and countries with high standards of living.  First world societies can afford non essentials, luxuries, conveniences. When looked at objectively in the bigger context of including the problems of those in both second and third world societies, a ‘first world problem’ can then appear trivial and not worth complaining about. In other words the phrase is used to give someone a bit of perspective.

Examples abound. The one being shared on the radio to start the conversation was about how an ill fitted cup lid affected the radio hosts ability to drink her coffee.  Others followed.  I liked the one about an app not downloading fast enough on one’s smartphone.  

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Are you ready to consciously lead change?

I ask for the words to flow.  Like shy creatures hiding in the shadows, I coax each expression out into the light.  I acknowledge that when the words are not ready they simply stay waiting, waiting, waiting for a moment when it is time to be birthed. It may seem to you as if my contribution simply adds to the sea of words already in your universe. For me, it feels like I am speaking from a speck, loudly shouting with no one hearing. Yet I am no Who from Who-ville and you are not Horton, you see. We are each individuals with our own lives crisscrossing in a moment of virtual exchange.  The fact that you read and I write means we can connect. 

We are like these words.

We hide.
We wait.
We express.
We connect.

In this connection, let’s hope that a spark lights, a fire burns and passion awakens.  With one purpose in my mind, heart and soul, I write to inspire you to take action in your life so that you make a conscious positive difference in this world.

© Jenn ShallveyLet me be clearer.

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