Intuition and Transition

Using intuition during transition

Transition is a tricky time for anyone. We tread through the days lost on some, clear on others. No matter the direction though, we are up to our heads in change, growth and shifts. It is in this context that I believe intuition helps us navigate our way. When I say the word intuition, what I mean is the sixth sense you have about your own knowing.

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. - Albert Einstein

Some refer to this feeling as your 'gut' response. I believe it is a bit more than that. I will reserve debating the meaning of the word intuition for other communication. For now consider that within you is a part, almost an internal navigator, that knows what is best for you.

When life is going well we often forget, become unconscious or even disregard this inner voice. Why? Well it is almost like the "if it ain't broke then don't fix it" analogy. Only in this case it is more an "if you don't use it you lose it" situation. When we take our inner sense for granted, then when we really need to rely on it we are scrambling for connection.

So why the focus on when things are not going so well? I believe that it is in times of transition, when our way of being is most challenged, that we actually stop and pay attention to our self, life, needs and desires. To get access to this information we have to go within, have the internal dialogue. No one, let me repeat that, no one can tell us what to do. Others may give us insight, suggestions, ideas etc, but ultimately we have to come to our own answers to life's questions. So tapping into our intuition allows us to get on track, make the most effective decisions and ultimately direct our life where we want it to go.

By now you are wondering....what planet did I come from? Where did this idea jump up from? Well it is not a new fangled concept. Intuition is a long established sense that unfortunately does not get the support it needs. Most people in the world need proof, need hard evidence, facts, data etc. For me this information is long and drawn out validation often of an immediate or pre-existing insight.

It is in this spirit that I consider using intuition during transition a gift you give your self. So I would like you to get started with the idea that you can tap into your intuition to help guide you through change. How? Two ways.

  • Foster an internal dialogue with the part of you that is wise, helpful and loving.
  • Filter the expertise and guidance of others through this sense so that what you incorporate resonates and works for your highest good.

I will leave this topic for now but hope to encourage you to start trusting yourself just a little bit more than you did before reading this newsletter.

Letting intuition guide you in transition

To tap into your intuition one of the greatest tools is to use questions or reflective statements. I am not referring to ones you ask others, but those deep and meaningful ones you use to delve into you. Using questions and statements to reflect is sometimes a challenge. We may face our own self-sabotage, internal resistance, denial. You name it, it will come up when we consciously and actively decide to "take our self on" during transition, or any time. So in this context I would like to pose a few questions to consider when you are in transition. You may or may not have an answer. This is ok. The questions really are there to prompt and ignite your further reflection.

What transition are you in? Can you even name it? Describe it?

Why are you in this transition? To what extent are you the driver or someone else?

What, if any, is your sense of blame for the transition or change happening in your life?

Is it fair or reasonable to blame this person, people, organization?

What is your role in triggering or contributing to the transition experience?

When you ask yourself these questions do you notice a thought, feeling or image pop up immediately in your head? Yes, then what do you do? No, then what does come up?

When you pay even more attention to the emergent thought, feeling or image then what happens?

Overall, when you reflect on your answers to the above questions, what do you most need to focus on right now in your transition?

These questions are not easy to answer. What you will notice is that they take you to first a level of resistance. Then if you allow yourself some time and sit with these questions longer you may get deeper answers and get past the resistance.

So give yourself time, ask and reflect.