
© Jenn Shallvey


Send love.

If you do nothing else today send love.

Think loving thoughts.

Feel loving emotions.

Act loving.

In all you do send love.

Fill your heart up to the brim so it is overflowing.

Let the love start from the core of you, from your heart.

Feel it.

Let it fill your being, your whole self.

Then imagine it emerging and going past your physical body, beyond your self.

See the love you generate going far far far beyond you.

Let the wave of love you send go everywhere and anywhere without condition.

No expectations.

Simple offering.

A gift with no cost.

A gift that benefits both the sender and the receiver.

Soon you will notice that you are not just sending love.

You are being love.

You are love.



© Jenn Shallvey

Jenn Shallvey